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Connectors and valves

Methods of connecting pipes to a fire-resistant network

Pipes are usually sold in length of 6 metres.

First: the claws

It should not be used for diameters greater than 2 inches, and a material that facilitates slipping and clogs the pores resulting from poor surface finishing of pipes and their fittings must be applied and provides adhesion and is called Teflon or linen.

Secondly the flanges

It is installed for diameters greater than 2 ½ inches and is characterized by facilitating maintenance work. Gaskets are placed between the flanges to prevent running out of water as a result of surface finishing differences, which are two types of Coach and Green Crete, and the second type is preferred with water.

Third, the Grooved or Victaulic

Kao Chih gaskets are ready-made for all diameters, but they are expensive.

Fourth, the most popular and widely used welds

It is used for diameters larger than 2 inches.

Phases of the welding process

First: embalming
Second: the first path
Third: Cleaning the weld from the powder, and this process is after the first track, the second and final track, which is called cap
Means of hanging pipes (shown in pictures)
The passage of any pipes through the walls exposes the pipes to corrosion due to the buildings and also the friction during the vibration of the pipes due to the flow. The most important thing is that in any building, the walls must be an important factor to prevent the spread of fire, as the walls are rated to resist fire for an hour or two, and the presence of these openings around the pipes represents an easy point for the transmission of fire And smoke in the building, and therefore the code recommends making a stone wool pouch (rock wall) with a diameter greater than the diameter of the pipe by at least 2 cm, and therefore to prevent the spread of fire through those openings.
famous manufacturers
Ukrainian, Spanish, Russian and Chinese.
The joint, or called “Tee”, is used to connect 3 pipes to each other, or to make a branch for a main pipe. This piece can be T-shaped or Y-shaped, depending on the degree of the angle.

Elbow, which is used to connect two pipes of the same diameter to each other between them is an angle, and it is of types based on the amount of the angle, there is the right-angled elbow (90 degrees), and there is the 45-degree elbow, and there is the 120-degree open elbow .

Coupling, also called “coupling” or “coupling”, is used to connect two pipes to each other when they are on the same line and have the same diameter. And it is dented from the inside.

Nipple, have the same principle of action as the joint, except that the serration is from the outside.

النقّاصة، (بالإنجليزية: Reducer)، وتُستخدَم لتوصيل ماسورتين بشكل أفقي لهما أقطار (أحجام) مختلفة. وتأتي على أنواع، تسنينها للخارج أو للداخل أو أحد أطرافها في الداخل والآخر في الخارج.

A plug or plug, which is used to close the pipes, and it comes in two types, threading it from the inside or from the outside.

المحبس أو الصنبور، (بالإنجليزية: Valve)، ويُستخدَم في التحكم بمرور السائل داخل المواسير بفتحه وإغلاقه يدوياً.

The water mixer, which performs almost the same function as the valve, except that it mixes water from two pipes (cold and hot water) before it is removed from the outlet.

Check valve, which allows water to pass through the pipes in one direction only, and prevents water from returning in a reverse direction